Higher Education

Event / Resource / Training Tracking for University and College

Attendance Tracking Event & Nutrition Station Tracking Building Lobby Visitation

Know who did what, where and when

Track event attendance & movement, or resource use such as nutrition stations, gyms, or sports practice

  • Open DaysWant to see how many people visit each part of the university? Know which departments should follow up with which students. Plan hours and traffic for next year.
  • Alumni EventsSee which Alumni have attended, collect new contact information via kiosks.
  • Nutrition StationsCheck that your athletes are eating as planned. Track their usage of unmanned nutrition stations.
  • Sports PracticeTrack attendance to sports practice, meetings and games.
  • EnrollmentTrack freshman movements around enrollment events, makes sure they have been everywhere they need to before they leave the event.
  • Proof of LocationHave projects or responsibilities that require students are certain places at certain times. Have them scan in to ensure they are meeting those responsibilities.

How this can work for you

Open Day
Track attendance at your open day
Track enrollment process attendance
Track nutrition station visits
  • Attendees can self-register - providing you with their contact details.
  • Attendees track their own attendance to each location they visit.
  • You get detailed information about each visitor and their interests.
These are example scenarios - this technology can be used in many others.

Registering Attendees or Students

  • Use pre-existing student records, or have students/alumni or visitors register using a Kiosk. Including the self-registration of RFID tags.
  • Allow visitors to register themselves, and register RFID tags in one quick process. Free up your registration staff.
  • Use stickers, wristbands, cards or key fobs.
  • You may not need registration if you are using a pre-existing attendee list, or student database (either uploaded or integrated).

Event Scanning Locations

For an event, place scanners on entry and exit points, and at each other location that you are interested in tracking traffic for such as presentation rooms. Record attendance to sessions within an event. Allow attendees to self register via kiosks located at a main entrance.

Scanning Options

Simple Kiosk
Tablet or computer based kiosks, where attendees can register their attendance with their email address, phone number, or student ID.
Kiosk with hardware
Kiosks with scanning peripherals such as mag stripe, RFID, or barcode. Kiosks have the added advantage of being able to show feedback, such as eligibility.


Modern web interface

Intuitive and responsive web interface is easy to use on tablets and desktop computers.


Built-in dashboards deliver immediate insights about who is scanning where and when.

Drill down

Click through from dashboards to discover the more detailed information that you're looking for.

aPlus+ Attendance
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